Python API

Input types

shcol can columnize any item by simply relying on its string representation. The following example from an interactive Python session will illustrate that behavior:

>>> import shcol
>>> shcol.print_columnized(['spam', 0, 1.23, shcol.print_columnized])
spam  0  1.23  <function print_columnized at 0x039A8BB8>

Note that you are not restricted to use lists. You just need to pass an iterable object that contains the items to columnize. So these things are possible, too:

>>> shcol.print_columnized('abcdefg')
a  b  c  d  e  f  g
>>> shcol.print_columnized(xrange(10))
0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
>>> shcol.print_columnized(n for n in xrange(10) if n >= 5)
5  6  7  8  9

shcol is also able to columnize dictionaries:

>>> inventory = {'Apples': 100, 'Bananas': 200}
>>> shcol.print_columnized(inventory)
Apples   100
Bananas  200

Changing spacing and line width

You can pass your own settings for the spacing between each item and for the output’s line width.

To do this, just use the appropriated keyword arguments:

>>> shcol.print_columnized(xrange(10), spacing=4)
0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
>>> shcol.print_columnized(xrange(10), line_width=15)
0  2  4  6  8
1  3  5  7  9

Filtering input

Sometimes you want to filter your input according to specific criteria. For this, shcol supports filtering by wildcards (namely: ? and *).

This is how to pass different patterns as a filter:

>>> items = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
>>> shcol.print_columnized(items, pattern='f*')
>>> shcol.print_columnized(items, pattern='b*')
bar  baz
>>> shcol.print_columnized(items, pattern='*a*')
bar  baz
>>> shcol.print_columnized(items, pattern='*r*')
>>> shcol.print_columnized(items, pattern='ba?')
bar  baz
>>> shcol.print_columnized(items, pattern='?a?')
bar  baz

How to sort

shcol will do locale-dependent sorting via the sort_items keyword.

Sorting can be done like this:

>>> shcol.print_columnized(['spam', 'ham', 'eggs'], sort_items=True)
eggs  ham  spam
>>> shcol.print_columnized(['späm', 'häm', 'äggs'], sort_items=True)
äggs  häm  späm

Please note that sorting items with non-ascii characters will only work as intended if your system’s locale setting was set accordingly, i.e. in order to sort german Umlauts as shown above you should set a german locale.

Eliminating duplicates

If your input contains duplicates and you don’t want to have duplicates in your columnized output then the make_unique keyword is a good way to deal with that.

When this feature is enabled then shcol will ignore subsequent occurrences of an item that already has been processed.

The effect of using make_unique is illustrated by the following example:

>>> items = ['spam', 'ham', 'spam', 'eggs', 'ham', 'eggs', 'spam']
>>> shcol.print_columnized(items, make_unique=True)
spam  ham  eggs

Note that make_unique preserves the original order of the given items. This differs from calling the Python standard library’s set()-constructor, which makes no guarantees about the order of its result.

Printing directory contents

shcol includes a function called print_filenames() in order to print the content of a given path.

When called without arguments, it will print the filenames inside the current directory. For example, this is the result on the author’s Windows system when the current directory is C:\Python27:

>>> shcol.print_filenames()
DLLs  include  libs         man       python.exe   README.txt  tcl    w9xpopen.exe
Doc   Lib      LICENSE.txt  NEWS.txt  pythonw.exe  Scripts     Tools

The same effect can be achieved from C:\ when passing the directory name:

>>> shcol.print_filenames('Python27')
DLLs  include  libs         man       python.exe   README.txt  tcl    w9xpopen.exe
Doc   Lib      LICENSE.txt  NEWS.txt  pythonw.exe  Scripts     Tools

You may also pass wildcard characters (* and ?) in order to make use of shell globbing:

>>> shcol.print_filenames('Py*')
pypy26  Python27  Python34
>>> shcol.print_filenames('Py*2?')
pypy26  Python27
>>> shcol.print_filenames('Python27\*.txt')

Note that print_columnized() is used under the hood to do the actual columnizing, so all of its options (such as spacing, line_width, ...) are available as well:

>>> shcol.print_filenames('Python27', spacing=5, line_width=50)
DLLs        LICENSE.txt     README.txt
Doc         man             Scripts
include     NEWS.txt        tcl
Lib         python.exe      Tools
libs        pythonw.exe     w9xpopen.exe

The print_sorted()-shortcut

For convenience, the idiom print_columnized(items, sort_items=True) can be replaced with print_sorted(items). As known from print_filenames(), all additional options are passed to print_columnized() to be interpreted there.

The following examples show some use cases where this function is used to inspect objects in a Python interpreter session:

>>> shcol.print_sorted(dir(shcol), line_width=50)
__author__    __path__     helpers
__builtins__  __version__  highlevel
__doc__       cli          print_columnized
__file__      columnize    print_filenames
__license__   config       print_sorted
__name__      core
__package__   formatters
>>> shcol.print_sorted(dir(shcol), pattern='print*')
print_columnized  print_filenames  print_sorted
>>> import os
>>> shcol.print_sorted(os.environ, pattern='*PROG*')
COMMONPROGRAMFILES       C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
COMMONPROGRAMFILES(X86)  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
COMMONPROGRAMW6432       C:\Program Files\Common Files
PROGRAMDATA              C:\ProgramData
PROGRAMFILES             C:\Program Files (x86)
PROGRAMFILES(X86)        C:\Program Files (x86)
PROGRAMW6432             C:\Program Files